Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tip #1:Hal Higdon, my hero

My first advice to anyone who is wants to take their recreational jogging to the next level is sign up for a race, tell everyone about it, and find a training plan.
You might think that you aren't ready for a race-what happens if you come in last?  But believe me, you are ready and you WON'T come in last (well, technically, I suppose it is a possibility, but I have faith in you).  

For me, it is equally (if not more) important to tell everyone that you are doing said race.  Why? Pride, my friends.  Pride is a powerful thing, and when it is cold outside, or raining, or you would rather be at happy hour, pride is sometimes the one thing that will actually get you outside for that run.  You don't want to look like a pansy when someone asks how the race went and you have to tell them you were drinking gin and tonics and just couldn't commit to training.  

Or if pride isn't enough to get you motivated, money surely will.  When I was doubting my ability to complete the Olympic Triathlon I had signed up for in December I remembered the $150 nonrefundable dollars and realized that if I dropped out I would a. look like a pansy and b. have wasted $150.

Along with telling everyone you are racing, you need to find a training plan.  This is the easiest, most foolproof way to hold yourself accountable and make sure you'll be able to cross the finish line.  Without a plan you might be able to convince yourself that you really don't need to start training for that half marathon until six weeks before the race (when you can't even run 2 miles right now).  Without a plan you might be able to convince yourself that 4 miles is an acceptable long run and 2 times a week is sufficient to complete a marathon.  For me, my training plan helps me figure out if I can really commit to training for the race and gives me a guideline so I know what my weekly workouts should look like.

What training plan should you use?  So glad you asked.  There is only one name you need to remember in the world of training plans...Hal Higdon.  Hal Higdon is a famous runner/marathoner and has a website dedicated to helping people of all fitness levels compete in races.  The best things about his training plans are: 1.  Room for flexibility 2.  Free

His site breaks down plans by distance of race, and offers plans for the novice, intermediate, advanced, and even walkers.  Right now I am gearing up for a half marathon in Napa, California and am using his "Novice Half-Marathon" plan. I've used this plan multiple times for half marathons, and used his marathon plan as well.  For this race, I'm picking up the plan in week 9 because of triathlon training.  However, I'm glad to have the plan to focus my last few weeks of training.

Some things to note if you choose to use Hal's plans....it doesn't really matter what day you do the runs as long as those distances are covered in a week.  Now, perhaps Hal would argue with me, but for people who are trying to FINISH the race, and not necessarily WIN, I think that rule applies.  Life happens and you don't want to stop training because you can never fit in the Wednesday runs (when you could easily fit them in on Monday).  My other piece of advice is don't stress of the "stretch and strengthen" section.  I would usually just take 3 days of rest per week (4 days of working out is just fine with me, thank you).  I don't think I was any worse for the wear.  Just make sure you are stretching after your runs.

So that is it.  Tip #1--Sign up for a race, TELL everyone, and then get a training plan (preferably Hal's).  What are you waiting for....go....sign up....right now!  And be sure to tell me about it :) 

1 comment:

  1. I can vouch for Hal Higdon's training plans. They are the only ones for me:)
