Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Beat the Heat

It is August in Philadelphia and it is HOT. I am currently dreaming of the days of sweaters, pumpkins, red leaves, and apples. One of the worst things about the heat and humidity is that I absolutely cannot run in it. Perhaps I am being a little over dramatic...but I can barely go 2 miles with the hot sun beating down on me. This isn't the best scenario if you want to do a fall marathon and training is supposed to commence in July.

What is a girl to do? I'm sure everyone will say to just wake up early and go for your run then. Well, unfortunately for me, there are 2 things that make running unbearable for me. The first is obviously the heat, and the second is waking up early to run. I can't do it. I'm not a morning person and with a 7:30 work arrival time there is NO way I'm running when I wake up.

So morning runs are out. Drinking lot of water...helps, but still 2 to 3 miles is the limit. Treadmill? Hate it. I know I'm not providing a lot of helpful tips here. All I can say is when the heat of the summer is upon us I find myself cross training like crazy (okay, not really like crazy). I've re-discovered my love of pilates, picked up yoga again, and go to spinning class. While I'm doing these things I've been trying to take stock of my fall running season and what I want to get out of my athletic "career" this year (because I still think of a year in terms of school!).

I was validated in my hate for hot weather running in one of the latest versions of Runners World (June or July?). There was an article that said it is proven you can't perform as well in the heat and it isn't very healthy for you. I'm taking that and running with it. Or actually, I'm NOT running with it. At least for a couple more weeks I will be taking it slow, logging 3-5 miles on a run and trying to cross train while I prepare for my first fall event...the Philadelphia Distance Run!

Till next time, if you can't stand the heat, go to spinning...