Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall Line-up

Fall Run
It is officially mid-September and I can feel fall in the air. The days are slowly starting to get slower and the temperatures are dipping so that I can recommence my evening runs without the heat sticking to me.
August was a hard month for this non athlete. Besides the fact that it was a billion degrees outside I moved, started the new school year, and participated in the festivities of the wedding of two dear friends. There was much more drinking this month and a lot less running.
So here I am, on the precipice of fall, school is finally starting to feel manageable and the lovebird are already back from their honeymoon. it is time to get serious about my training.
I have been going back and forth since this spring about whether I would do another marathon this fall. Since my summer running was so abysmal I have decided to forgo the second marathon and focus on my half. I am running the distance run on Sunday (eek!) which should be interesting considering the lack of miles I have been logging. Then I am jumping right into Hal Higdon's INTERMEDIATE training plan for the November Philadelphia Half Marathon.
It is no longer fair to call myself a novice, it just lets me get lazy. So I'm going to try and get a little faster this time (and by faster I mean a solid 9:30 mile during a half). I know I'm not qualifying for Boston anytime soon, but it helps to try and get better.
I plan to run another marathon someday, perhaps sooner rather than later. The Austin marathon is in February and I've always wanted an excuse to visit the city.

So that is the plan folks. The fall line-up:
Philadelphia Distance Run Half Marathon 9/20
Run the Bridge 10K 11/1
Philadelphia Half Marathon Half Marathon 11/22
Turkey Trot (in Detroit) ?? 11/26

This will take me into winter and then I'll reassess from there.
What is everyone else planning on running this fall? Anyone know of a good jingle bell run?